Diabetes Victoria Article: The rise of digital health platformsApril 22, 2021App, Diabetes Victoria, Digital Health, Global health, Instagram
Lifecard Supporting St Kilda’s Mental Health Initiative: Spud’s GameMarch 25, 2021Ahead of the Game, Danny Frawley Health and Wellbeing Centre, Global health, Instagram, Mental Health, Movember, Spud's Game, St Kilda
Lifecard Featured in Doctology’s Healthtech DirectoryFebruary 12, 2021Doctology, Global health, Healthcare, Instagram, Lifecard, Lifecard App
Lifecard bundled with MasterCare+ for Australian Community SportsNovember 2, 2020Glen Eira FNC, Lifecard, Mastercare+, Partnership, Sport Teams
Global Health’s Lifecard Personal Health platform partners with Asthma AustraliaOctober 14, 2020Asthma Australia, Global health, Lifecard PHR, Partnership
Lifecard app updateSeptember 24, 2020App Update, Apple Health, Bug Fixes, Data Security, Global health, Google Fit, Health App, Lifecard App, Lifecard PHR, Personal Health Record
Pulse IT Article: Global Health targets wearables and remote device integrations for Lifecard PHRJuly 20, 2020Lifecard, Lifecard PHR, Lifecard PHR app, Pulse IT, Pulse IT news
Global Health Ltd’s Lifecard Partnership Extended With Diabetes VictoriaJuly 14, 2020Diabetes Victoria, Lifecard, Lifecard PHR app, Partnership
Our Partnership Continues – Diabetes Victoria and LifecardJuly 12, 2020Diabetes, Diabetes Victoria, Global health, Health App, Lifecard App, Partnership
Doctology’s Product Snapshot: LifecardJune 24, 2020Doctology, Global health, Health App, Lifecard App