An online portal for patients to easily complete their admission forms
Allow your patients to easily complete their admission form, anytime.
Why use our Patient Portal?
Whether you use Global Health’s MasterCare PAS or another Patient Administration System, our patient portal will save you time and money, plus it will enhance the customer experience.
Our patient portal is powered by Lifecard. This means that patients can use the same login as your Patient Portal to manage their health via the Lifecard App. Allowing them to view past pre-admission forms, save medication, allergy and medical data in between visits and record key measurements important to their surgery.
Patients can easily fill out hospital pre-admission forms prior to visiting you for their surgery
The information provided automatically goes to your MasterCare PAS, reducing the need to re-key.
Getting started with our Patient Portal
In the first phase we workshop the possible options for your patient portal. We discuss what level of customisation you need, what additional questions we need in our forms, what workflow will suit your hospital and if you want two-factor authentication enabled for your consumers.
Your paper pre-admission forms are turned into electronic version available via a unique web URL. If you are using MasterCare PAS, we will integrate the Patient Portal with your MasterCare PAS.
Ready to go
Your consumers can start filling in their pre-admission forms via any device. Your staff can login to the administration dashboard to see who has started their forms and proactively offer help to those who are midway through.
Stand out. Provide a point of difference
Empower your patients to take control of their health after leaving your hospital
Better patient engagement means better patient outcomes for recovery.
Give your patients the tools they need to ensure an effective recovery. Tell them what measurements they need to be tracking post-discharge so that they can show their specialists how they are going when after they leave your care.
Get in touch
Patients are now expecting healthcare organisations to be offering digital solutions, ensure you are on the front foot with going digital. Contact our Lifecard team to start the conversation.
Download Lifecard Personal Health Record
Download the Lifecard PHR App and create a Lifecard account.