Lifecard for Sports Teams

Store Clinical Notes

Store your injury notes and share them with your next of kin or other health professionals

Share Your Records

Share your clinical records and notes with next of kin and other health professionals

Track Your Progress

Record important health information and monitor your progress over time

Integrating Lifecard with MasterCare+

Our web based electronic medical record and client management solution, MasterCare+, is the perfect solution for trainers and care providers within the sporting environment. With mobile and tablet accessibility, our solution can be paired with the free Lifecard personal health record app to allow for the holistic management of player health.

Combine the Benefits

For notifying important health issues regarding a player such as allergies, treatment preferences and other relevant updates.

Integrated with ReferralNet Secure Messaging to ensure the secure transfer of medical information between trainers and other health professionals.

Provides trainers with the ability to draft their own clinical letters, notes and documents as well as create their own referrals regarding a player.

Has the ability to link a player’s MasterCare+ account to a Next of Kin as well as new or existing GP/care provider. Keeping family members and health professionals in the loop.

Has the ability to diagnose players with health conditions or indicate problems from MasterCare+’s database of conditions.

Monitor your health with our measurements tracking tool. Log your progress, blood pressure, activities and more.

Set reminders for healthy habits, water intake, and scheduled training sessions.

Share your health information with other Lifecard accounts. This is particularly useful for sharing key information with your emergency contacts, or for sports management giving access of important information to the medical staff.

Store copies of important records, such as referrals, health summaries, clinical letters and reports. Keep a history of your prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins and medical procedures.

You can create and manage sub-accounts for dependent children or for adults who cannot create their own. Access these records directly from your own account.

Who’s Using Lifecard for Team Health Management?

Lifecard has recently teamed up with Glen Eira Football and Netball Club for their 2020 season.


“Using Lifecard within the Club’s community will not only enable trainers to better manage the health of our players, but it will also provide players a tool they can use to manage their own health from a Football and Netball perspective and their general health outside of the club. The ability for a player to share their record with not only trainers, but also their Next Of Kin, is a huge benefit for our community. We take player well-being very seriously at this club, and to be at the forefront of medical innovation in our league is a big step forward for us.”

Ivan Delac – Glen Eira Club President

Want to learn more about Our Integration?