Pregnancy is a different journey for everyone.
No matter how you experience it, self-care should be at the top of your to-do list.
We’ve put together a short, 6 tip guide to enjoying your pregnancy.
Taking a warm Epsom Salt bath is an effective and safe way to ease the muscle aches and pains that come with pregnancy. Why?
Soaking in a warm bath helps relieve stress
The magnesium found in Epsom salts can act as a natural antidepressant and can also relieve sore muscles, round ligament pain and leg cramps.
Haemorrhoid Help
Yup, constipation is extremely common during pregnancy, alongside the weight of the uterus and growing baby, the likelihood of developing haemorrhoids is increased. Soaking in a warm bath can relieve the discomfort that Haemorrhoids cause, while the anti-inflammatory properties of Epsom salts may help shrink veins.
Itch Relief
It’s not uncommon to experience itching as your skin stretches to accommodate the growth of your little one! An Epsom salt bath may soothe that itch, make sure you apply moisturizer after the bath to help with long lasting relief.
How do you do it?
To make an Epsom salt bath, fill a tub with warm water and mix in 2 cups of Epsom salt until it completely dissolves. Pregnant people should always ensure that the temperature of the water is not too hot and limit the time they spend in the tub to 12–15 minutes to minimize the risk of overheating. Be sure not to swallow the water!! Depending on your sensitivity to smells, a few drops of pure lavender essential oil into the bath can be the perfect addition to completely relax.
Prenatal massage is therapeutic bodywork that focuses on your needs as your body goes through the dramatic changes of pregnancy.
A Prenatal Massage is the perfect remedy for many of the common discomforts experienced during pregnancy, it also supports the return of blood to the heart and increases blood flow to the uterus and placenta while assisting in maintaining good posture and adjusting to a changing alignment caused by the baby’s increasing weight.
Pregnancy creates extra demands for certain nutrients, including iron, calcium, iodine and many vitamins. A variety of good foods every day will provide the vitamins, minerals and nutrition you and your baby need. See diagrams below.
It’s important to keep active during your pregnancy, most women can continue their usual activities and exercises throughout, however exercising in hot, humid weather or in poorly ventilated rooms should be avoided at all costs. A good way to ensure you’re getting a well-rounded ‘workout’ without harming yourself or your bub is to sign up for Pregnant specific exercise classes, such as ‘Pregnancy Pilates’. The added benefit of joining a class like this is that you will find other women who are experiencing the exact same thing as you, walking mother’s group, anyone?
Don’t ignore feeling fatigued. Sleep is so important during your pregnancy; you’ve heard the term ‘eating for two’ well you’re also sleeping for two. As the pregnancy progresses, you have less deep sleep and wake up more often during the night. Sleep is less refreshing, which is why expectant mothers should spend more time in bed asleep. Sometimes an afternoon nap of an hour or two will help.
During pregnancy it’s very easy to fall into the habit of self-judgement and disassociation. Your body is being pushed to its natural limits, in this time it’s imperative you remember how incredible this journey is. Though it may make you feel weak, tired, uncomfortable and exhausted it is all part of that fact that you are growing and creating a life, you are not alone, reach out to your spouse, family members or even professional help if you are feeling overwhelmed. Now is not a time for expectations. This is your reminder that you are doing an amazing job, we believe in you mama!